9/5/2012 An Interview With Kevin Killeen – 11 Days to Go

With 11 days left before my release-signing party, I got a call from KMOX reporter Kevin Killeen.  He wanted to meet with me for an interview about Beer, Brats, and Baseball: St. Louis Germans for his regular feature “Whole ‘nother Story.”

Kevin had interviewed me about my first book, Hoosiers and Scrubby Dutch: St. Louis’s South Side,” so I e-mailed him about the second one.  We talked on Broadway south of the Old Courthouse, near where my great-great grandfather had a piano shop. (I talk about him in the preface.) I’ll let you know when it’s scheduled. It’ll be before the party, set for 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16 at Al Smith’s Feasting Fox Restaurant, 4200 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis.

Besides my great-great grandfather, Kevin asked my about the lingering effects of the German character on St. Louis today.  He’s a sharp reporter. I’d hate to be a politician hiding something when Kevin shows up.


Published by Jim Merkel

Reedy Press published four of my books, Hoosiers and Scrubby Dutch: St. Louis's South Side, 2010; Beer, Brats, and Baseball: St. Louis Germans, 2012; The Making of an Icon: The Dreamers, The Schemers, and the Hard Hats Who Built the Gateway Arch; and the Second Edition of Hoosiers and Scrubby Dutch: St. Louis's South Side, 2014. They're available in bookstores and online. For an autographed copy, send a check for $21.50 made out to Jim Merkel, to Jim Merkel, 4216 Osceola St., St. Louis, MO 63116.

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